A Proud Day for Leadership

Yesterday was a great day for Americans. It was a great day for anyone living in America (like me). It was a great day for democracy. It was a great day for unity. It was a great day for anyone who looks to America as an example of freedom, humanity and justice.

Because yesterday, with the inauguration of President Joe Biden, the United States of America (and all those around the globe who believe in democracy) got to take a breath of hope, and breath out a sigh of relief.

Ok… Perhaps not everyone.

But in my wide, global network of colleagues, friends, family and social media and newsfeeds, it certainly seemed like everyone bar none was cheering madly for 46 and his administration.

And then the cheers were combined with instant adoration and inspiration as Amanda Gorman, the 22-year old national poet laureate recited her magnificent, tear-inducing poem to the world. Ending with words that will be emblazoned all over media channels for a long time: ‘There is always light, if we are brave enough to see it and be it’. Ms Gorman instantly impacted millions. A shining beacon of strength, courage and dignity.

If there was ever any doubt about the kind of impact a truly great leader can make, yesterday’s inauguration would have put an end to that. What was so blatantly clear, in fact, was how the words of one leader, uttered with authentic sincerity, could uplift, unify and positively influence the hearts and minds of millions of people all over the world.

So yesterday was also a great day to be in the business of leadership. I felt proud that my company’s purpose and mission is to ‘find great leaders’, because we know that great leaders build amazing companies and workplaces, where everyone thrives. After two decades in the business, this knowledge is part of our DNA. We know very well how a really great human, who is the right fit for an organisation, can positively impact every single stakeholder in their ecosystem.

Yes, it’s very early days for President Biden and his leadership team. But I’d be willing to bet that this group of leaders will steer the US ship towards a new vision of greatness.