Debbie’s keynote presentations are geared for entrepreneurs and leaders. She is always working on new material, so get in touch if you’d like to find out more.
The Future is Hybrid
The world of work has fundamentally changed during and post-pandemic. A significant global recalibration has taken place, and we have the opportunity to leverage this moment in time to find new measures of success in our work-life.
Taking Mindfulness to Work. Over 400 research studies show an endless list of scientifically proven benefits of Mindfulness – increased focus, attention, emotional control, and overall happiness; decreased levels of anxiety and stress. But what is Mindfulness? Why...
Inside the Interview
The secret to great hiring decisions. Also entitled ‘Stop making crappy hiring mistakes’, Debbie distils her 20 years’ experience interviewing thousands of candidates, into this ultimate guide for entrepreneurs and hiring managers. This presentation covers: What’s...
Mindfulness Masterclass – Half-day Workshop
Mindfulness is being practiced all over the world. By 2017, approximately 44% of companies in the USA offer Mindfulness training, and more people have commenced some form of meditation practice than ever before in history. Over 300 research studies show an endless...
The Science & Data Behind Hiring Great Leaders
In the age of data overload, we would expect that there would be a more exact science for predictable success when hiring leaders (or hiring anyone!). In this keynote, Debbie examines the latest research and data on hiring trends globally, with a focus on how to stack...
The Hard case for Compassionate Leadership
'It's just important to be kind as to be clever. Organizations that perform at a high level for a long time don't just think differently from everyone else, they care more than everyone else. In an era of big ideas and disruptive technology, simple acts of connection...